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[Cob] Septic permits and Building Codes

Charmaine Taylor tms at
Wed Dec 31 01:29:02 CST 2003

"Shannon C. Dealy" wrote:

> There is a miscnception implied by the above which is that the
> conventional permited septic system is safe (or at least safer than any of
> the alternatives), they are not.

> Average life of a drain field is about
> 20 years at which time your waste water will backup and start running
> over the surface of the ground (with all the contamination problems
> mentioned above), in addition, it is not uncommon for the outlet pipe on
> the septic tank to get plugged considerably more often with the same
> result (usually a result of not getting the tank pumped soon enough).



> The safest method may be wetlands, but the question was how to get a
> building permit, and if septic is the only  mandatory requirement to
> build,  then complying may be necessary.

My septic system is over 60 years old, maybe more, and still working well. I
don't believe that  (possibly  nationwide total) millions of drainfield
systems like mine fail at 20 years,  pouring sewage on top the ground,  and
thousands of systems in my own rural area are working fine, I don't recall a
nationwide problem of failed septics or drainfields...can you point to any
hard evidence that  what you stated is fact?

Locally the health code  (dept) requires tanks be pumped every 7 years, but I
am sure many do not comply unless  interested selling or buying a house.

contamination at the sewage dump site is always possible.
I'm curious to see how bad the problem is in all areas, rural, semi rural ,
etc. Please elucidate.

Charmaine Taylor
PO Box 375, Cutten CA 95534

