Rethink Your Life!
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your mail

Shannon C. Dealy dealy at
Thu Nov 21 16:03:55 CST 1996

On Mon, 18 Nov 1996, Kat Morrow wrote:

> > Also as you mentioned above, you will
> >get less protection of the walls from your roof overhangs which will
> >cause faster weathering of the cob or plaster in those climates where rain
> >is a common occurance.
> But what is considered fast weathering?  There are building in England 100s
> of years old (often 2 story) that are still in great shape without huge
> overhangs.  Maybe all that is needed is good maintanance of the plaster and
> finish......

I think that with the Old English buildings, an annual coat of white wash
was considered a normal part of home maintenance, and this is what
allowed them to last without much of an overhang as the weather would
just wear away the lime wash during the year and leave the underlying
cob in tact.

Shannon Dealy
dealy at