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Re(2): wastewater treatment

coblist Conference @ XINCLXcoblist at
Wed Dec 11 22:17:37 CST 1996

erichart at,Internet SMTP writes:
>The most straight forward way to deal with
>greywater might be to make a constructed wetland.  I have heard that these
>systems are similar in price to septic systems and can handle all of your
>waste water.  Composting toilets are expensive ($750-1000) and do use some
>electricity.  A constructed wetland might very well be the most cost
>effective alternative.  

You can get some ideas on constructed wetlands from the links at (scroll down to the "Water"
section).   There's one resource listed that has a good overview and links to
a bunch of other sites. 

> I have heard
>of a system called the "allis can" (I'm not sure on the spelling) which
>treats all your waste and you end up with compost and water which is clean
>enough for irrigation or release into a drain field.  

That's an "Alas-Kan", as it was developed by (or maybe for) someone from

A friend of my installed one, and  it seems to be working fine.  My concern
about these systems is that they are dependent on pumps and aerators - and as
a rule, things with more moving parts break down more often than things with
little or no moving parts.  And you don't want your system breaking down, if
you can at all avoid it.  On top of that, they're dependent on some source of
outside energy.   What happens when Hurricane Zelda whomps Georgia's
powerlines, and you're in the dark for 5 days?   Or your photovoltaic system
goes down?  Gravity flow systems do have the advantage of continuing to work



Bill Christensen
billc at
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