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Cob Workshops

Shannon C. Dealy dealy at
Tue Feb 25 03:28:45 CST 1997

I have been getting a number of emails lately requesting the schedule of
Cob Workshops for this year, so I thought I would answer it for everyone
at once.  Cob Cottage is currently working on the schedule, and I should
(hopefully) have it in about 1-1/2 weeks.  This means that the new
schedule should be posted on the web site in about 2 weeks.  I will send
email to the list when the new schedule is posted.  I am also planning a
few other additions to the web site at the same time (including the long
overdue writeup on what I learned about thatching from Flemming
Abrahammson during the Natural Building Colloquium).

For those of you who have been wondering why I have been so quiet lately,
I have been engaged in a new form of ritual suicide (death by software :-)
and have been working continuous 80+ hour weeks.  While the work is by no
means done, I am going to try to devote a little more time to the list and
web site over the next couple of weeks.

Shannon Dealy
dealy at