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Cob: Re: cob photos

Christopher Greenslade Chris at
Wed Apr 5 16:01:37 CDT 2000

Hello everyone,
well unfortunately here is a very disappointed
Today I received an e-mail from deatech, saying that I am not to send any
photos to all you cob lovers out there in this mighty world.
though we may chat about this fastinating natural product I cannot show
buildings here in the UK or decfects, repairs etc.
I total understand for some people downloading large information in the form
of pictures can be expensive but what enjoyment it can also bring to our
eyes and lets not forget how by discussing this subject, no matter how many
miles may be bewteen us all, I certainly feel that its as if we are chatting
around a table.
Deepest appolagises to you all.
Should you wish this items to be mailed please contact me I'm sure we can
sort something out
