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Cob: re:rope making fibers

Rosemary Lyndall Wemm lyndall at
Tue Aug 8 12:23:31 CDT 2000

> I would think hemp would make an excellent reinforcing fiber ......
> hemp fiber is widely known to be quite rot
> resistant.... As for its prohibition, that is a
> political matter, and politics, I've been warned, is not to be brought to
> this list.

No, I think it's a practical matter.  I think I would have a lot of trouble
growing hemp in Australia without running the risk of being arrested and
jailed. I don't like that idea!  It would certainly cut down on the time I
had available to make cob ;-)  I imagine that I might experience similar
problems in the US - and run the risk of being "exported" to Australia as
well ;-(

I was hoping someone might have some suggestions for how to get around this
potential problem.  My thoughts, so far, are that it might be worth
discussing the matter directly with the chaps who are likely to want to
arrest me.  Perhaps it would be possible to get a license to grow varieties
of hemp which had low THC content but good fibre content.  They may even
know where to obtain such varieties.  I also wondered whether some farmer
groups [???] might have experience or knowledge of how to go about this
without living in fear of my liberty being removed.

- Rosmeary

 B.Mus.(Inst.), T.S.T.C., B.A.(Hons), M.A.(Neuropsych.), etc.  _--_|\
 Clinical Neuro-psychologist                             Perth/      \
 Perth, Western Australia    lyndall at  -->\_.--._/
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