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Cob: Re: Godless cob

LuceLoosey at LuceLoosey at
Sun Jul 15 09:20:37 CDT 2001

Yeh, uh... I intend on building my cob home w/GODLESS cob.... perhaps you 
should find another list to write this type of thing... I really don't have 
time to read electronic tracks... or at least put it in the subject line, so 
I know to delete it.

<< In Him we all live and have our being.  God is inescapable.  All nature
 speaks of His divine nature. There is no godless cob.  Every molecule
 is held together by Him and every sticky piece of dung..  We are not
 closer to him in a cathedral but rather farther.  We are closer when we
 are in the mud among the worms and dung, in the dust from which we
 are made by the breath of His power >>