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[Cob] Re: cute pictures

Elizabeth juswanabe2004 at
Sat Jan 24 18:22:50 CST 2004

Amanda wrote:
>Where it is, I've no idea.f

>Well, I know what the site is, but the buildings, no.  Don't know why there 
are no windows on either building either.


Amanda:  thanks for this link.  I poked around the site a bit and it looks like the buildings are either at University of Kassel, Germany or at a building site in Guatamala where they build some prototype buildings. 
On the windows:  I would make a guess that they are trying to eliminate variables.  They are doing things like studies on humidity buffering in earthen buildings, which they call loam buildings.  If you are conducting an experiment, or series of experiments, you only want to change one variable at a time.  They might study a building with only a door; then a door with one window; then with windows in different north/south orientations.  Then they might repeat the series of experiments, trying a variety of earthen plasters in each building.  Obviously, this kind of thing would be time consuming and costly!  But I'm guessing here.
They are also coming out with books in English soon, which might be of intetest.
Elizabeth in WA

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