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[Cob] lifting vigas

Amanda Peck ap615 at
Mon Sep 26 23:13:50 CDT 2005

Trying to visualize the pulley rope and pole idea, I may have been mistaken. 
  It might only take one end up, not much of a help in this case.  And I 
don't know how much advantage it has.


I saw one once flying the top of a cell phone tower across the woods--and 
limited access highway--and setting it on the lower part of the structure.  
Only time I was happy to be stuck in the traffic that had to be kept so many 
feet away from the helicopter.  Fun to watch.  and I'll bet it was expensive 
with a capital E, and the rest of the letters as well.

Judith Williams wrote:
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to lift a huge viga? It will be my 
ridge beam and must weigh at least 1000 lbs, diameter of about 24" at the 
wide end. A beautiful thing to behold, very old and twisted. I know about 
the method of laying 2 vigas as a ramp and pulling the big one up with ropes 
but it is not absolutely cyilindrical and probably would not roll. At this 
point we are considering hiring a backhoe to lift it with chains. We are 
definitely open to suggestions. Thanks.