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[Cob] bad R info given! cob in cold climes

dirtcheapbuilder-Charmaine Taylor tms at
Fri May 5 14:26:55 CDT 2006

On May 5, 2006, at 11:38 AM, Tim V wrote:

>  We were told that
> cob had an excellent R value, around 30 i think, but not as good as a
> strawbale structure,

OH MY!  such incredible MISinformation abounds... clay-cob-earth  has 
about    1/4 R per INCH.. so a 4" thick wall is only 1R!!

12 inch wall is R3  or so..  I'd  FIND the one who told you all this 
and make sure it is not continued to misinform others

Earth-cob is MASS- intended to soak up sun's warmth,   not insulation 
only SB offers R30 or more
Charmaine Taylor Publishing
PO BOX 375 CUTTEN CA 95534
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