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Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] re:linseed oil

lori murphy tefla2 at
Mon Feb 12 13:58:24 CST 2007

I've noticed the discussion about linseed oil on the list.I'm an artist and I'm pretty sure the artist grade linseed oil I use is different than the builder's grade in the hardware store.I think the stuff in the hardware store contains metallic dryers and solvents,the kind I use for oil paintings doesn't have an unpleasant odor at all,and I've kept bottles of it for long periods without any problems.I generally don't use real turpentine anymore because of the unpleasant odor.I use something called turpenoid,an odorless mineral spirits product,they also make a citrus oil thinner instead.Not sure if this helps anyone but a lot of painting mediums are made from beeswax, linseed oils,and resins,it may be helpful to look at recipes for mediums for artists and experiment with those and some citrus thinners.

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