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[Cob] Fridgid climate and snow drifts

paul dotpaul at
Thu May 17 19:10:50 CDT 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Boyer" <HasteinD at>
To: <coblist at>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 12:18 AM
Subject: [Cob] Fridgid climate and snow drifts

> Cobbers and fellow wannabes,
>   Life circumstances may be unfolding so as  to require/allow yet another 
> move in our lives: We might soon relocate to upstate New York (St. 
> Lawrence County).  Land is so much more affordable compared to our current 
> Oregon locale... Finding a property that offers seclusion to build a cob 
> structure outside of prying officialdom and neighbors concerned about 
> maintaining property values is a real possibility....
>    What conerns and considerations should cobbers have about building any 
> stucture in the  frigid snow belt clime with drifting snow?
> Joanne and Dave
Is land *that* much cheaper in upstate NY?  It's not like Oregon will break 
the bank compared to prime areas like the coasts or FL.  What kind of 
differences are you seeing in price?

Besides cold winters, the summers in NY can be brutally hot and humid.  I 
have no idea why anybody from OR would beg for that pain unless for a job. 
At least in OR you get a milder winter, and the heat is dry in summer.

Just wonderin'.
