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[Cob] Dealing with inspectors

Wilderness Voice thewildernessvoice at
Mon Jul 30 16:32:26 CDT 2007

I am wondering if anyone has learned how to avoid dealing with inspectors or
have any advice when inspectors come into your life.
I have 3 grandfathers that fought in the revolutionary war as part of the Contental Army under Gen Washington.  They knew risking their lives about "Civil Disobedience" for the greater good.
People trying to provide their own low cost housing on their own property without causing more pollution should be facilitated, but as we all know the laws work to restrict and prevent people from providing their own solutions and only costly govt programs to benefit people with more vision and energy than money. 
I do not wish to debate this, but wonder sucessful stategy to keep my private housing private and to deal with authorities should they come around

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