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[Cob] looking for apprenticeship graduates

Sky Orndoff skyorndoff at
Wed Mar 6 02:33:46 CST 2013


"give a man a home and he will spoil the place, teach a man to build and he will have a home forever."


I am developing a curriculum to teach people to build self sufficient shelters to meet their needs, reduce their impacts, and lighten their expenditures.  I am looking to start teaching in 2015.  Designing this program is a complex business for which I require a lot of advice.  I am looking for people who have gone through intensive programs such as field semesters, natural building apprenticeships, permaculture design courses, and other related programs to design a course which meets client needs, fulfills expectations, and produces extremely happy graduates.  If you have done such a program, or know of some folks who might be interested in this project, please contact me via email at skyorndoff at or call (406) 459-1811.

Thank you,

J. Sky Orndoff