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Cob: Re: where in the US for cob

Yun Que yunk88 at
Sat Jan 11 12:22:53 CST 2003

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<P>Poor Virgo, I'm a Sagittarius, we tend to swim through multiplicity by ignoring it until we trip over it!</P>
<P>The air system I was speaking of may be good for your greenhouse floor! If it is going to be a more formal area?  Maybe a good place to experiment with it. A green house that I was in at a privet home was more of a sun room but big with a patterned terracotta tile floor and a  large drain so the whole place could be hosed down, (nice!)  I am still waiting for my book loans to come back but I won't forget to get it on the list asap.  There is a wonderful book called Masonry Stoves that has designs for very energy efficient construction.  If your local library hasn't got it in it's system, inter library loans and such, encourage them to buy it!  </P>
<P>Went to an energy meeting organized by a grass roots group in the hills and we visited a home that was completely solar, with a back up generator  that had not been use for a few years.  The owner pointed out one error that was made when they converted.  They hid the batteries under  a short set of stairs leading out to the garden.  This made maintenance awkward.  </P>
<P>A similar situation came up with my well pump on my place.  The guys who put it in were big with long arms hence the reset switch was about 1/2" further than I could reach down the pipe.  So the first time the well shut down I had to get a neighbor to come up and flip the switch.  Eeehhhhhhhhhhh.  The second time I sawed off 2" of the pipe Duhhhhhhh.  The moral to this story is keep it accessible plenty of light, and space to do repairs.  But you knew that already didn't you?  For me I will need enough space around my batteries to use a dolly since I don't like huffing batteries around!</P>
<P>Love to see some sketches of your new house!!</P>
<P>for the good of all Cat<BR><BR></P>
<DIV></DIV>>From: "PJ Benet-Davis" <PJB at QUINNEMANUEL.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: Re: Cob: Re: where in the US for cob 
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 14:27:01 -0800 
<DIV></DIV>>Perhaps the electrical one would work as well. I plan to be off the grid as soon as I can manage it. Planning to add on to the trailer to include a large sun (solar) room with panels on the roof and a batt room. This way I can use the best of both and grow vegies too! I also have grid backup if I absolutely HAVE to have it. Will have several fireplaces, etc. Every time I think about all the things I need, I cringe - don't ya know only a Virgo would come up with all this stuff! 
<DIV></DIV>> >>> "Yun Que" <YUNK88 at HOTMAIL.COM>01/09/03 08:37PM >>> 
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