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Cob: cob blocks?

Yun Que yunk88 at
Sat Jan 11 12:32:14 CST 2003

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<P>Cat here!</P></DIV>
<P>Is there any mention in this book about drying the cob/adobe/RE in an enclosed area rather than the traditional sun dried.  Sort of like a wood kiln set up?  fans, dehumidifier, low heat source?? </P></DIV>
<P>for the good of all<BR><BR></P>
<DIV></DIV>>From: andrea arnold <YODASROOM at YAHOO.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>Reply-To: andrea arnold <YODASROOM at YAHOO.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>To: Arthurhlevine at, coblist at 
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: Re: Cob: cob blocks? 
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 13:35:22 -0800 (PST) 
<DIV></DIV>>you may want to look into compressed earth blocks 
<DIV></DIV>>(CEB's). This is something different than adobe. It 
<DIV></DIV>>sounds to me that it is simiilar to traditional rammed 
<DIV></DIV>>earth. I mean, either way you have made a mix and you 
<DIV></DIV>>are compressing it - whether that means with a tamper, 
<DIV></DIV>>a machine, or a press, ya know? I've also learned 
<DIV></DIV>>that the main thing about adobe vs. cob, rammed earth, 
<DIV></DIV>>etc is that even though they have the same 
<DIV></DIV>>ingredients, adobe ends up w/ more air in it - this 
<DIV></DIV>>means better insulating, but also more brittle just in 
<DIV></DIV>>terms of weathering in the rain, thus it is in mainly 
<DIV></DIV>>dry climates, where as cob, rammed earth, etc are not 
<DIV></DIV>>limited to dry climates. Still not totally sure where 
<DIV></DIV>>CEB's fall. 
<DIV></DIV>>Anyway, this (CEB's)mix is made with very little 
<DIV></DIV>>water, and when compressed in a press,compresses out 
<DIV></DIV>>much of the excess water so that they are just damp, 
<DIV></DIV>>and the volume is decreased about 30% by the press. 
<DIV></DIV>>They still have to sit a bit to dry out before use. 
<DIV></DIV>>Blocks can vary in size and shape depending on the 
<DIV></DIV>>press. I have seen mention of CEB's needing a bit of 
<DIV></DIV>>cement as a stabilizerin the mix, and also references 
<DIV></DIV>>that it does not. Similar info on needing and not 
<DIV></DIV>>needing a cement based mortar or a cement based 
<DIV></DIV>>stucco. I'm not sure if this is something that works 
<DIV></DIV>>in all climates, or if it is just for hot dry areas. 
<DIV></DIV>>It's a very very long-time established building method 
<DIV></DIV>>in other countries, not sure where or how much has 
<DIV></DIV>>been done in the US. 
<DIV></DIV>>This info is mainly from a chapter in "The Art of 
<DIV></DIV>>Natural Building". the author of the article is Wayne 
<DIV></DIV>>Nelson, he lives in Gorgia and works w/construction 
<DIV></DIV>>and environmental resources for Habitat for Hum. 
<DIV></DIV>>Internat'l, he has experience with CEB's in multiple 
<DIV></DIV>>countries. The book has his addreess, phone number, 
<DIV></DIV>>and email if you want to know more. 
<DIV></DIV>> - Andrea 
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