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Cob: Cob

Michael Grant tenortime at
Sun Jan 26 20:41:16 CST 2003

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>I have a few questions.  After reading some of the posts, is ther a general idea of what insulation value cob has?? I know they use it in UK.  Some of the posts suggest that cob does not have a good insulation value.</DIV>
<DIV>I live in NC and am in  zone 7 whcih says that our mim temp is 10 degrees.  It is rarely that cold.  Am I a good candidate for cob?  </DIV>
<DIV>If you have these answers please help and if not maybe direct me to a guide that can answer these insulaton questions.   I know how I will insulate the floor and the roof jsut need to know about the walls.</DIV>
<DIV>Thanks in advance</DIV>
<DIV>Michael Grant</DIV>
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