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Cob: pipes under the floor

Yun Que yunk88 at
Tue Jan 28 20:26:24 CST 2003

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<P><A href=""></A> found this from your book resource thanks:  I saw the same block approach in Fine Home Building, but wanted to use terra cotta tubes because I figured they would handle the stress from the compression of the cob that would be over them better.  Also am trying to stay away from concrete as much as possible. The sand bed was a little scary too since it will have to be very compact and level for the block, I thought that the tube would be more forgiving of a lack of precision?? Even if it cracked it could still do it's job and support the floor.  Any thoughts maybe cob all around and forget the sand and use a level and get it right??  smile</P>
<P>for the good of all Cat<BR><BR></P>
<DIV></DIV>>From: "Amanda Peck" <AP615 at HOTMAIL.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>Reply-To: "Amanda Peck" <AP615 at HOTMAIL.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>To: coblist at 
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: Re: Cob: pipes under the floor 
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 19:28:19 -0600 
<DIV></DIV>>Have y'all seen this book? 
<DIV></DIV>>The Passive Solar house by James Kachadorian. His plan, which may 
<DIV></DIV>>or may not be in the stuff you can see in the sample pages, is to 
<DIV></DIV>>underlay the whole floor with concrete blocks placed so that you 
<DIV></DIV>>have lots and lots of pipes through the floor, with stuff that looks 
<DIV></DIV>>like furnace grates on the back wall. He swears "it saves you 
<DIV></DIV>>money" but that's only because you aren't paying someone to build 
<DIV></DIV>>you a basement, as I recall. 
<DIV></DIV>>You could presumably use block seconds, but if you didn't want to 
<DIV></DIV>>a concrete floor how would you do it? My guess is that ramming the 
<DIV></DIV>>earth above it would do SERIOUS damage to those blocks laid the less 
<DIV></DIV>>strong way. 
<DIV></DIV>>Cat here (snipped), what diameter terra cotta pipe are you using and 
<DIV></DIV>>how far apart? Will you be using cob as your floor, tile, wood? 
<DIV></DIV>>I want to use hot air thru terra cotta tubes set in sand with a cob 
<DIV></DIV>>floor covered with granite tile? What do you think? ? 
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