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Cob: tra cotta pipes,insul

Yun Que yunk88 at
Fri Jan 31 19:13:51 CST 2003

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>
<P>Cat here, So the cob shelter that I am building has no insulation or heat planned at this time, it will transfer cold and heat slowly and it will afford Austen a space out of wind and rain. He will have to bring his own heat right?  If  I insulate the exterior I slow down the transfer of heat or cold only right?  It leaves it still up to him to get the inside warm.  If I build a fire in the house get the walls hot then the exterior insulation will assist keeping it in. If the insulation is on the inside it will keep him warmer in the winter with his body heat but will smother him in the summer?  Have I got it right?  This spring I will have completed this project maybe I can keep a log of the temp in and out and see what shows itself.  One of the odd things that I have noticed as I walk around my property is there are areas that seem to have warm spots and icy spots, without any discernable breeze to associate it with.  My horses seem to find these areas also. </P></DIV>
<P>Thank you, <EM>for the good of all </EM>cat</P></DIV>
<DIV></DIV>>From: Grei Raven Shadow Walker <GREYRAVEN_R at YAHOO.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>Reply-To: Grei Raven Shadow Walker <GREYRAVEN_R at YAHOO.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>To: Yun Que <YUNK88 at HOTMAIL.COM>, coblist at 
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: Re: Cob: tra cotta pipes,insul 
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 10:53:07 -0800 (PST) 
<DIV></DIV>>That was me, consider it this way, the cob is a heat 
<DIV></DIV>>(or cold) sink, the insulation is a heat (or cold) 
<DIV></DIV>>break, you want the sink on the side of the break that 
<DIV></DIV>>you want to maintain. If the insulation protects the 
<DIV></DIV>>cob from the outside temperature, then the cob will 
<DIV></DIV>>act as a sink for the inside of the house...but if the 
<DIV></DIV>>insulation separates the cob from the inside 
<DIV></DIV>>temperature, then the cob will adjust to the outside 
<DIV></DIV>>temperature. Either process is a gradual aclimation, 
<DIV></DIV>>however, your thermal mass is wasted (and no longer a 
<DIV></DIV>>useable resource) if the insulation is on the 
<DIV></DIV>>--- Yun Que <YUNK88 at HOTMAIL.COM>wrote: 
<DIV></DIV>> Did some one say something some time back that 
<DIV></DIV>>insulation is more effective with thermal mass if it 
<DIV></DIV>>is on the outside wall than on the inside of the 
<DIV></DIV>>"When I look into the abyss it stares back at me, but not as the cold 
<DIV></DIV>>dark beast you perceive it to be. 
<DIV></DIV>>When I am gazed upon by the abyss I see the eyes of a mother, a lover, an old friend. 
<DIV></DIV>>When I look into the warm familiar eyes of the abyss I see that which 
<DIV></DIV>>needs me as much as I have need. 
<DIV></DIV>>I remember, I rejoice, I renew!" 
<DIV></DIV>>by Grei R. S. Walker, '01 
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