Rethink Your Life!
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Cob: Re: Well, carpenter bees.

Yun Que yunk88 at
Tue Apr 8 20:16:04 CDT 2003

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<P>Cat here, Back to being serious  about some of the less desirable life forms that we share this planet with, not that they like us any better mind you.  There is a paper called ACERS USA, a rather good publication for organic farmers.  Not your weekend gardener, there are many articles with solutions for inhibiting infestation.  One article that I recall was about a date palm farmer in India that was having difficulty with elephants yanking his palms out of the ground (by the 100ac.) and eating the fruit.  He found a ecologically sane economically frugal and life friendly way to remove his garden pests.  He got truck loads of tiger poop and seasoned the plantation.  The elephants fussed a bit and left the area.  </P>
<P>Another thing to consider when designing your homes would be to keep all food stuffs in one area.  I am a great advocate of the old fashioned walk in pantry.   Think of it as a sort of food safe!   Also it seems that if  buildings of cob have been in use and around for more then 500 + or - years, the damage done by bugs would seem  relatively insignificant. </P>
<P>Finally, as to air born disease, we are always surrounded by stuff that can make us sick and kill us, by lowering the amount of toxins that your body has to deal with and the stress in your life, ( building and living in a healthy home)  you give your body better odds at dealing with bacteria.  .......... an unfortunate foot note to all this, is everyone aware that the FDA permits a certain % of rat turd in processed foods for human consumption?  Well they do, so grow your own, put things up in jars and stainless canisters, live as healthy as you can and have fun!</P>
<P>for the good of all Cat</P>
<P><BR> </P>
<DIV></DIV>>From: "Amanda Peck" <AP615 at HOTMAIL.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>To: yunk88 at 
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: Well, carpenter bees. 
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Tue, 08 Apr 2003 17:47:46 -0500 
<DIV></DIV>>You did notice that the message he responded to had absolutely 
<DIV></DIV>>nothing to do with disease or anything more exciting than 1/2 inch 
<DIV></DIV>>holes in your fences that probably will take a big long time to 
<DIV></DIV>>become structural. 
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