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Cob: Re: Wood stove in cob wall?

Bill&Julie wbates at
Thu May 15 20:20:49 CDT 2003

Hidare All,,,   On my adventure to Northern Minnesota... I lived in a 8 x 16
home made trailer... We heated it with a 30 gallon barrel stove.
Now I am not saying that what I did was up to code... But I used sheets
of thin aluminum on 1.5 inch stand offs to allow air to flow up between
the aluminum and the masonite paneled wall. The stove was less that 6 inches
from the wall... And the air flow kept the aluminum cool to the touch.
And therefore the wall behind it was also cool...
The aluminum that I ased was from an OFFSET printing press....
In 1975 they were a nickel a sheet...

Hope this helps,,,,    bill

----- Original Message -----
From: "Waiting4 TheDay" <waiting4theday at>
To: <coblist at>
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 8:27 PM
Subject: Cob: Wood stove in cob wall?

> YES, finally broke ground today, and probably would have had the ring dug
> for the rubble trench if the wheelbarrow tire hadn't gone flat.  Thinking
> buying a case of fix-a-flat LOL.  Afterwards I was sitting in the (little)
> 20' diameter circle, thinking about how small it seemed, thinking about
> others who at this same point decided to increase the size of the project,
> thinking about how I'm doing this by myself without power tools (aesthetic
> choice).
> The one real concern that popped out during this meditation was using a
> burner in such close confines (each "room" will at its widest be only 9').
> Then the epiphany: integrate the woodburner into the 18" interior cob
> Is this possible?  Given the right proportions of material (less straw,
> sand) it seems as if it might work.  Plus there's the added benefit of
> heating both rooms of the house.  The woodburner is a Baron, a no-frills
> made of steel plate and weighing in at roughly 300 lbs.  Measurements show
> that about an inch of the front would stick out from one side of the wall,
> and on the other side there would be an inch of play between the wall and
> the pipe.
> Comments, ideas, speculation?
> Chuck
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