Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob: my sitch

D.J. Henman henman at
Thu Aug 14 00:25:49 CDT 2003

Donna sweetie;

     the following mail is totally irrelevant to this list.  In fact the 
last three or four were, but who's counting. 

   Would you please make an effort to be considerate to the people on 
the list who are interested in cob, the subject of this group,  and that 
way limit you topics to the subject of this list?   You  are welcome to 
conduct your personal life directly to other people, but, this list is 
not the forum for it.


Donna Strow wrote:

>Mail is flying in and I can't keep up with it all... and soon I'll be out of
>touch for days...
>Do keep it comming, but know why I often can't respond in real time:
>When I'm home I have no internet access.  When I'm at Mom's house there's
>this machine but my user priviledges are limited.  Frankly, I like to be at
>Mom's house a lot.  Unemployed since March, I have had opportunities to be
>here that may suddenly vanish once I get a job.
>I really appreciate the stuff people are writing, on the list and off.