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Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob: Re: Cats dying

D.J. Henman henman at
Tue Sep 9 23:06:28 CDT 2003


Quinn wrote:

>Can anyone tell me of their experiences of using wood within a cob structure -say, framing in windows or doors, or even with rafters or whatever- and possible problems with termites?
You can think of the cob as protecting the wood from termites.   It will 
not necessary prevent them, but it will slow down their getting 
started.   This is opposed to naked wood, where they can just jump right 
in.    The cob should also slow them down, being a hard when dried 
material.   If termite holes in the cob are found, maybe some shot of 
natural liquite or smoke can be shot into the tunnel for a good period 
of time and then the hole sealed up again.    Might slow them down some.

I have seen, hundred year old buildings with the wood encased in a cob 
like daub.

>I don't want to use any chemicals at all on my land.  I've used diatomaceous earth on fire ants in the yard, BTW.
I have seen diatomaceous earth used as a final rendering for walls.   
Good sound qualities and humidiy buffering as well.
