Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] Washington, DC Cob

Raduazo at Raduazo at
Thu Oct 30 11:51:30 CST 2003

Hi All!
       The Children's playhouse at Green Spring Gardens Park is moving right 
along. Thanks to Susan and Maggie who showed up Tuesday to help, I we were 
able to add more than a foot to the walls. I would guess that we did a fourth of 
the wall in one day.
       I plan to continue with the wall next week. Monday (Nov. 3) I will be 
machine mixing a large batch of cob with a rototiller and Tuesday I hope to do 
another large chunk of the building, and perhaps finish the wall by Friday. 
(It will be only 5 ft tall at the peak.)
       Anyone who is interested in helping please give me a call or send an 
E-mail. I will be away from the computer this weekend so I will respond on 
Sunday night or early Monday.
Ed @ 703-360-2316