Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] Washington, DC Cob

Raduazo at Raduazo at
Thu Nov 13 10:03:48 CST 2003

DC Cobbers: 
        I have decided to work on the Children's playhouse this Sunday, 
November 16, at which time I hope to finish cobbing to the roof line and install 
the bamboo framing which will support the thatched roof.  I do not anticipate 
ideal working conditions for stomping cob, but I will appreciate all help which 
anyone is able to provide. There will be jobs other than foot mixing. I will 
try to get there between 9 and 10 AM.
To get to Green Spring Gardens Park,
Directions:        Take the Washington Beltway south to 395.
                     Take 395 north to Little River Turnpike. (Exit 3B I 
                     Take Little River Turnpike for less than two miles.
                     Take a right on Bradock Road.
                     Take the second Right into the park.
                     The children's playhouse is behind the main building 
near the greenhouses.
       Call me I will return all calls and E-mails Saturday, November 15.
Ed 703-360-2316