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[Cob] 2cents and codes

Scott Van Kirk scott at
Sat Nov 1 08:40:00 CST 2003

When you get the brush off like that, move up the chain.  Talk to his 
supervisor. Hopefully, eventually you will get to
someone who actually knows what is what.   There is a group called DCAT, 
Development Center for Appropriate Technology.
These guys have dedicated themselves to getting code officials on the side 
of people trying to build with alternative
or natural techniques.  They have gotten quite a bit into the new 
International Building Code which is what the whole
nation is moving to.  It is entirely possible that your county already has 
adopted this code which means that a lot of
these alternative building techniques are, in fact, done there - even if 
the grunts don't know it.  Give DCAT a try.


On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 19:55:24 -0800, Jilly <JILLPRUETT at> wrote:

> Thanks for everyone's two cents. Feedback is the purpose of the 
> discussion group - no?
> When I talked to the building permit guy, he stopped me short and said 
> "That is not allowed here" When I asked him how I can accommodate the 
> codes, such as maybe post and beam infill...he interrupted me to say "We 
> don't allow that here". Now, I am not easily pushed to the wayside. 
> Though I remained courteous, the best I got was "We don't allow that 
> here." and "I can have someone call you"
> No one ever called, so far.
> jilly
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