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[Cob] Why soak lime? tortillas

Taylor Publishing-DirtCheapBuilder tms at
Wed Nov 19 16:20:15 CST 2003

So what problems can I expect from not using lime putty and sand?


Lance you may have NO problems...over long periods of time and with driving rains on the wall it may erode some...but a lime-sand render will protect from that, otherwise, not bad if you don't do anything else.

I poured a step-off off the patio of just sawdust -clay-lime and it's still there 3 years later, a lot worse for wear since it gets all the wet rains and trod on a lot. but dries out each summer and is fine again.  turns spongy in winter, and next summer I will replace it with a  prettier version with slates on top maybe to protect it.  but it is cement free, and has hung in there very well!

PS hydrated lime is used in the millions of tons in the US for paper and food and waste processing.  it cleans up toxics and gas effluent, etc. and is used in food too.  look at a package of TUMS and see what it says you are chewing.  Natural plasters use is a tiny part of the market.

PPS: Ag lime on the ground  ( under tires) is inert, use hydrated lime to dry up muddy spots or protect. the Ag lime is just ground stone.

Ms. Charmaine  Taylor/ Taylor Publishing
PO Box 375, Cutten   CA 95534 707-441-1632    books at