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[Cob] Italian inspired buliding idea - instead of using a ridge beam...

Scott Race scottrace at
Wed Nov 26 23:49:23 CST 2003

 While in Northern Italy recently I was marveling at the natural
construction.  Many of the structures derive their from the fact that the
walls are made of stone and very thick (unbelievably thick!).

  I noticed a few interesting stone structures that appeared to have been
there for some time.  Instead of using a ridge beam, there was a huge wall
down the middle of the building that at the top served as the ridge beam.
The rafters attached to the top of this middle wall and then down to the
lower outer walls.  Therefore, there were just rafters, no ridge beam.

  Has anyone tried this with cob?  Though you would need more cob, it would
seem to be extremely stable.
