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[Cob] Coblist Digest, Vol 5, Issue 81

Jack Simmons ganesa_9 at
Sun Jul 8 13:40:20 CDT 2007

That code map is great. But I'm easily confused by legal matters (which is of course the whole intent of the law.) So... I live in Ohio and according to the map there are no State building codes for single family dwellings, right? Does this mean that I could build whatever I want, or do local codes supersede the state code, or could I thumb my besotted nose at the locals claiming that the state code doesn't restrict single family buildings in Ohio. If the local codes take precedence over the state codes what good does knowing the state code do me?

I appreciate all the work that went into that map and am not at all dissing you, I'm just curious and always on the hunt for some way to get around the suits and all their rules and regulations.

Great map! I love visual aids!

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Today's Topics:

   1. Geography of Natural Building Version 1.0 (catinmoon)
From: catinmoon <catinmoon at>
To: coblist at
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2007 11:05:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Cob] Geography of Natural Building Version 1.0

 Greetings folks,

  while back I posted an inquiry about the geography
of building codes, in the interest of thinking about
cob-friendly places to build. I asked for information
on specific locations.

Thanks to Shannon there is a pdf file now posted with
some preliminary information:

There are 3 parts to the file:
1.  Maps
2.  A spreadsheet summarizing information on the maps
3.  A spreadsheet summarizing information that folks
sent me, or that I found on the way to looking up
other things

I see this as the beginning of our work, not the final
product.  If you have updates, additions, etc. please
send to me and I will generate an updated version. 
**The maps were generated from a 2002 source, so may
be out of date--this was the most recent source I
could find. I do however think they are of interest in
looking at geographic patterns. See pdf for reference.
**The information sent to me was not collected
systematically, i.e. it is guaranteed to be incomplete
by its nature.  That's why it will be great to receive
your additions/corrections, etc.  I know I heard in
the past there are some nat building friendly counties
in Colorado, but I don't recall which ones.

Thanks to Shannon for her help with condensing the pdf
file and graphics to a reasonable size, and postings.

Hope you are having a great summer. It's hit triple
digits here in Chico and I'm trying to get my swamp
cooler to cooperate.


>I've got the file posted at:
> It has been linked to from two pages, my natural
> building index page:
> and my article on building code alternatives:

If we think about the tree as a design, it's something that makes oxygen, sequesters carbon, fixes nitrogen, distills water, provides a habitat for hundreds of species, accrues solar energy, makes complex sugars and food, creates micro-climates, self-replicates.  So what would it be like to design a building like a tree? What would it be like to design a city like a forest?  So what would a building be like if it were photosynthetic?  What if it took solar energy and  converted it to productive and delightful use? 
               ~~William McDonough

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